Gen z & Millennials vs FinTech

Report on Gen z & Millennials vs FinTech

Gen z & Millennials vs fintech

Report on Gen Z & Millennials vs FinTech

We conducted a survey with over 300 respondents. The main objective of the study was to understand the perspectives of Generation Z, born between 1996 and 2012, and Millennials, born between 1980 and 1995. Our study aimed not only to examine the differences between these two groups but also to gain insight into their approach to modern digital tools and financial management.


  • Understanding how Generation Z navigates today’s digital world
  • Identifying the challenges Generation Z faces
  • Comparing the approaches of Generation Z and Millennials
  • Exploring key differences and similarities between the two generations
  • Analyzing how each generation adapts to a rapidly changing world
  • Developing effective strategies for communicating with and creating solutions for both groups