Report on Tech Marketing in B2B Fintech Industry

Report on Tech Marketing in B2B Fintech Industry 2024

Report on Tech Marketing in B2B Fintech Industry

We conducted a report on 200 companies worldwide operating in the fintech sector within the B2B industry. We devised a program to analyze the content of selected websites, upon which we based our research findings. The report aims to assess the market status of fintech companies, covering both marketing strategies and technical details. Additionally, we sought insights from industry specialists. We invite you to delve into the report!


  • Evaluate the marketing strategies employed by fintech companies to reach their target audience and gain market share.
  • Provide industry specialists and stakeholders with informed perspectives on the challenges and opportunities within the fintech sector.
  • Encourage dialogue and exchange of perspectives among fintech specialists.


Main findings:

  • 95% of fintech companies of fintech companies use LinkedIn, 75% of fintech companies use Facebook, and 60% of fintech companies use X.
  • Moving away from the strategy of “being everywhere your customers are” and focusing on quality, will become a trend in 2024. 
  • 77% of surveyed companies have a blog (60% of them has general blog, 36% news blog, and 8% tech blog)
Report on B2B Companies in the Fintech Industry 2024
Report on B2B Companies in the Fintech Industry 2024

Developer Portal

Main findings:

  • 36% of companies have a developer portal
  • 22% publish changelogs of their systems
  • 22%have API documentations published online
  • 37% have an API available online (96% REST API, 3% SOAP API)
  • 65% have a status page


Main findings:

  • In our research, 27% offered an SDK on their website. Among these 27%, the most popular programming languages to build SDKs were PHP and Java (44%)
  • The popularity of languages in which SDKs are made available directly correlates with the popularity of programming languages among developers. The more individuals create software in a particular language, the more it becomes logical to develop and release SDKs in that language
Public Code Repositories

Public Code Repositories

Main findings:

  • 16% of companies have public code repositories
  • 100% of them use GitHub
  • Companies may have various reasons for publicly sharing their code repositories. They might want to share their own plugins or widgets for popular e-commerce platforms to increase their visibility within the developer community and provide easier access to their solutions for external clients and developers.

Code Sharing

Main findings:

  • The demand for software customization is on the rise, further bolstering the SDK market. Customized software offers increased flexibility, improved performance, and easier integration, addressing the complexities of various program environments. These factors are propelling the bespoke SDK market forward, with this trend expected to continue in the future.
  • On the other hand, restraining factors include slow market growth due to the initial financial investment required for software and associated equipment.
Code Sharing
Technology Stacks

Technology Stacks

Main findings:

  • The most popular backend technologies are Python and Java.
  • JavaScript remains the most popular language for frontend development
  • Among mobile technologies, Kotlin and Swift are the most popular choices.


Main findings:

  • Out of all fintech companies we surveyed, 9% have a platform dedicated to fostering developer communities.
  • The most used platform is GitHub, utilized by as many as 67% of companies. 
  • 17% of companies utilize Discord for community building purposes. 
  • 11% of companies use Stack Overflow. 
  • 6% of companies use Reddit and Slack
Fintech Development

Fintech Development

Main findings:

  • Regarding programming languages, the dominant position of JavaScript and TypeScript, which captured 55% and 45% popularity respectively, is unsurprising. These technologies have been central to programming education in both academic institutions and online courses for years. Their versatility allows them to be used in diverse projects ranging from frontend applications to backend and mobile solutions.