
FinTech Trends Poland: AI in Action


AI in Action: Automating Operations, Sales, and Customer Service in the FinTech Industry
On Wednesday, September 18, at 5:30 PM, the first FinTech Trends Poland event took place in Gdańsk. The topic of the meeting was the role of AI in the fintech industry, with a particular emphasis on automating operations, sales, and customer service.

Who visited us?
👉 Fintech and AI experts: Karol Zielinski from z3x Tech Care Group, Mateusz Jakitowicz from Autopay, Michał Brzezicki from SentiOne, Michał Nadolski from H2B Group IT Consulting, and Polish Blockchain Association
👉 Jacek Markowski, PhD, lawyer and doctor of legal sciences, specializing in new technologies law

Summary of the evening:
6:03 PM – Opening, welcome by Jakub Smęda, and a brief history of Fintech Trends Poland, along with the first presentations from our social partners.
6:30 PM – Three fascinating panels on the practical application of AI in business.
7:40 PM – Moderator Paweł Sołtys (economic journalist and CEO of Radio 357) had to interrupt a series of practical questions from the audience, inviting everyone to a less formal part of the meeting.
10:40 PM – Networking and unique conversations that allowed for a deeper discussion on the potential of artificial intelligence 🤖 in various areas of the fintech industry. ❗

Thank you very much to all our guests for attending! The next FinTech Trends Poland meeting will take place in Krakow! Stay tuned to keep up to date.

Z3X Tech Care Group

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