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Documentation errors and how to avoid them


In the fast-paced world of software development, clear and comprehensive documentation is a lifeline for developers navigating the complex landscape of APIs, libraries, and frameworks. The importance of documentation cannot be overstated, serving as a crucial resource that guides developers through the intricacies of a product or service. However, not all documentation is created equal, and errors in documentation can lead to frustration, wasted time, and even project failures. In this article, we will explore common documentation errors and provide insights on how to avoid them.

1. The Invisible Documentation Dilemma: Can’t Find It or It’s Not There

Perhaps the most egregious documentation error is the absence of documentation altogether. Developers rely on documentation to understand what’s possible and how to achieve it. Hidden or non-existent documentation presents a significant hurdle for developers seeking guidance.

Some organizations intentionally hide documentation, either behind logins or by not prominently linking it on their websites. This practice is often driven by a desire to engage potential customers or to control access. However, the majority of developers will not go out of their way to request documentation. To address this, organizations should make documentation easily discoverable on their websites, preferably within global navigation or under a dedicated “resources” menu.

How to avoid this error:

  • Prominent Placement: Ensure that links to your documentation are prominently placed on your website. Consider including it in the global navigation menu or under a dedicated “resources” section.
  • Accessible without Login: Avoid hiding documentation behind logins. Provide open access to documentation to encourage exploration by developers.
  • Clear Calls-to-Action: Use clear and compelling calls-to-action to guide users toward your documentation, emphasizing its importance for understanding and utilizing your product or service.

2. Broken, Inaccurate, and Outdated Documentation Woes

Wrong documentation can be more harmful than having none at all. Inaccurate or outdated information can lead developers down the wrong path, causing frustration and wasted effort. Whether it’s an overlooked edge case or a misleading error code, incomplete or incorrect documentation can be infuriating.

To mitigate these issues, establish clear communication channels with developers, provide feedback tools on every documentation page, and actively address bug reports. Regularly update documentation to reflect changes in the product or service, ensuring that developers always have access to accurate information.

How to avoid this error:

  • Feedback Mechanism: Implement a feedback mechanism on every documentation page, allowing developers to report inaccuracies or provide suggestions. Actively address and resolve reported issues.
  • Communication Channels: Establish clear communication channels with developers. Provide a designated support email or forum where developers can seek clarification or report documentation problems.
  • Regular Updates: Regularly review and update documentation to reflect any changes in your product or service. Ensure that it remains accurate and relevant to prevent developers from being misled.

3. The PDF Predicament: Click Here to Download the Docs

PDFs are often synonymous with a subpar documentation experience for developers. The format makes it challenging to browse, copy-paste, and share links effectively. Moreover, downloads are frequently accompanied by sales forms, adding another layer of frustration for developers seeking quick access to information.

Avoid relying on PDFs or other cumbersome file formats for documentation. Instead, opt for web-based documentation that is easily accessible, searchable, and user-friendly. Consider modernizing documentation formats to enhance the developer experience, as demonstrated by examples like

How to avoid this error:

  • Web-Based Documentation: Avoid using PDFs or other cumbersome file formats for documentation. Opt for web-based documentation that is easily accessible, searchable, and user-friendly.
  • Modern Formats: Consider modernizing documentation formats to enhance the developer experience. Learn from examples like and choose formats that are developer-friendly and easy to navigate.
  • Eliminate Sales Forms: Avoid coupling documentation downloads with sales forms. Provide a seamless experience by offering documentation without requiring developers to fill out additional forms.

4. The One-Trick Pony: Reference-Only Documentation

Even if documentation exists, it may fall short if it only provides bare-bones, reference-style information. Developers need more than just facts; they require guidance on connecting the dots and understanding the product in a broader context.

Expand your documentation beyond mere references by including contextual explanations, step-by-step tutorials, sample applications, and code snippets. Diversify the format of your documentation, experimenting with video content and other innovative tutorial formats to cater to different learning styles.

How to avoid this error:

  • Comprehensive Content: Expand documentation beyond mere references. Include contextual explanations, step-by-step tutorials, sample applications, and code snippets to provide developers with a holistic understanding of your product.
  • Diverse Formats: Experiment with different formats such as video content and innovative tutorial formats. Cater to various learning styles and ensure that developers can grasp the concepts in multiple ways.

5. No Opinion, No Narrative: The Silent Documentation Syndrome

Documentation should not be devoid of personality or context. While delivering technical details is essential, developers also benefit from understanding the “why” behind integrating a particular product or service.

Inject some company or product voice into your documentation, especially in guides where important use cases and implementations are discussed. Share your company’s opinions and perspectives to help developers achieve better and faster success with your product.

How to avoid this error:

  • Company Voice: Inject your company or product voice into the documentation. Especially in guides discussing important use cases, provide not just technical details but also the “why” behind integrating your product or service.
  • Opinionated Content: Don’t shy away from expressing opinions in your documentation. Share your company’s perspectives and opinions to help developers align with your product vision and understand its value better.

Documentation errors

In conclusion, creating effective documentation requires more than just providing information—it demands clarity, accessibility, and a touch of personality. By avoiding common documentation errors and embracing best practices, developers can enhance their workflows and achieve greater success in their projects.

Do you need help with your technical documentation?

Creating and maintaining technical documentation can be complex and time-consuming, but it’s essential for the smooth operation and scalability of any tech-driven business. Whether you need detailed user guides, API documentation, system manuals, or product overviews, our team can handle it all. By outsourcing your technical documentation to us, you gain access to a team of experts who will develop clear, precise, and user-friendly materials that are easy to maintain and update.

We specialize in creating documentation that is tailored to your audience, whether it’s end-users, developers, or internal teams. Our services ensure that your documentation is always up-to-date, consistent, and aligned with your evolving needs. With our support, you can focus on your core business activities while we take care of delivering high-quality documentation that enhances user experience and supports your product’s growth. Have any more questions? Contact us.

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